Announce, Write, Draw, Submit!
ART- Pictures for the New Year - trees, animals, foods, holiday ALL AGES send a selection, one to five, in .jpg format, title the file of each one with your name and title (for example: dianeschmidt_my apple tree.jpg) Art images in any medium. Include name and age of children's entries.
GRADUATION PIX and MORE for Life Cycle Page ! see below.
SEND to:
Please include your email and phone (will not be published)
Put the words LIFE CYCLE in the subject line of your email. Share what is happening now and also what has transpired in the last two years. Send to
Share your news of births, bar and bat mitzvahs, engagements, weddings, awards, promotions, obituaries, funeral announcements, and other life events. Send a photo and a short informative description (up to 100 words), ending with who is submitting the item and their relationship (i.e. Names, parents). Obits may be longer. Look at the other entries for guidance.
Be sure to include your phone number (for verification), and identify your relationship to the subject of the announcement. If you are not the subject or legal guardian, you must state in your email that you have permission to post the announcement. For example, 'I am the aunt. The parents, who live in Arizona, said I could post this bat mitzvah announcement.'
Letters about issues of concern to the Jewish community in New Mexico and comments about articles that have been published here will be considered. In your email, put LETTER in your subject line, followed by the [topic] and [your name]. Submit the letter in the body of the email and as a Word .docx attachment, with your full name, phone, email and a suggested title. Limit: 200 words. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity and to publish as space allows. Send to:
STORY IDEAS in general:
We welcome your thoughtful and artful story ideas for articles, but before you start writing, pitch us! Explain what you have in mind. Do you have access to the subject or the subject matter? Is there something that makes you an authority on the subject? Tell us a little about yourself. Have you published before? Subject line: PITCH, [topic], [your name]. Be sure to include your full name, phone number and email. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity and to publish as space allows. Length: up to 750 words. Send to:
FOOD STORIES: Stories around food, with recipes. Tie to upcoming holidays. Maybe you have some old family photos that would go with the story? Subject line FOOD, [dish or topic] [your name]. Send to:
QUESTIONS? Have a question about a topic you'd like us to address? An article you read here or elsewhere? Other matters affecting the Jewish community in New Mexico? Have something you'd like to republish? Ask! Subject line: I have a question. Send to:
MIKVAH - recharge your creativity literary and artwork:
POETRY and SHORT STORIES - Send up to three poems. Submit one short story very well-edited. Subject matter should have some Jewish and/or New Mexico flavor to it. Tell us a little about yourself. Have you published before? Do include a one sentence bio. Subject line: LITERARY [poem] [story] [your name]. Send to:
We would like to see artwork, in any human-generated media,* inspired by Jewish themes, upcoming holidays, and nature. Enter up to three pieces. Attach a .jpg (a digital photo) of each image with your name and a title, and indicate if it's for a particular holiday or season, or general. If you are under 21, please include your age. We'll gladly display all the entries we can. Subject line: ART submission - [holiday] or [general] [your name]. Send to:
*No AI-generated artwork, thank you very much, we are still trying to be irreplaceable humans!
Teachers, your students' work!
We would love to showcase written and/or visual work by a group of students, such as a class poster project, essays or poems on tikkun olam-related themes of peace and the environment. Send your ideas to:
Publication policies - Update August 16, 2024: We will have a Freelance Contributor Agreement in place soon, that you will sign.
For all material published in the New Mexico Jewish Journal, you retain the copyright to your original work. You must be the creator of the work (you are the copyright owner), or have permission of the creator of the work (they are the copyright owner) to submit text, photos, artwork and images.
If there are recognizable people in your photos, please provide their names and get their permission before submitting.
We accept simultaneously submitted and previously published work. Indicate if your submission was published elsewhere first; we not only want to give credit where credit is due, we are legally required to make sure of copyright permissions.
All photos and artworks published in NMJJ are copyrighted by the photographers and artists, and may not be published elsewhere without permission and attribution. When paintings and photographs are published in the NM Jewish Journal they either have the permission of the artist, or it is duly established to be in the public domain, or we have paid a use-fee to license them from the original creator or from an image agency.
If any content has been unintentionally used, we will take it down immediately upon notification. We do our best to make sure of permissions, but mistakes can happen. Similarly we expect the same treatment from others.
Photo policy: "fair use" is a nebulous term and we avoid images pulled off the web. Photoshopped images where people and object have been erased are not acceptable. Traditional tools of cropping and color adjustment are acceptable.
Spread the word! We are happy for you to post a link on your personal social media website to your or another's article published in the New Mexico Jewish Journal. Be sure author and image credit lines are included. Reposted stories must credit us in the byline (for example: Diane Schmidt, New Mexico Jewish Journal,, and should be linked to us.
Acknowledge first publication by New Mexico Jewish Journal if you republish/repost your work on a personal site or printed matter that appeared here first (an exception might be if this is an excerpt of a forthcoming book).
Republishing: If you wish to republish on a site that makes money from publishing, please contact us for permission. No aggregates.
Reminder: Do not copy and repost words or photos or artwork published here without attribution or taken out of context; plagiarism, defamation, and copyright infringements are not acceptable.
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Acceptance of advertisements does not constitute an endorsement of the advertisers’ products, services or opinions. Likewise, while an advertiser or community supporter's ad may indicate their support for the publication's mission, that does not constitute their endorsement of the publication's content.

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Community Supporters of the NM Jewish Journal include:
Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Congregation Albert
Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque
The Institute for Tolerance Studies
Jewish Federation of El Paso and Las Cruces
Temple Beth Shalom
Congregation B'nai Israel
Shabbat with Friends: Recapturing Together the Joy of Shabbat
Single Event Announcement:
Save our Jewish Cemetery
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society
Policy Statement Acceptance of advertisements does not constitute an endorsement of the advertisers’ products, services or opinions. Likewise, while an advertiser or community supporter's ad may indicate their support for the publication's mission, that does not constitute their endorsement of the publication's content.
Copyright © 2024-2025 New Mexico Jewish Journal LLC. All rights reserved.