Organizations working across traditional community lines toward peace and equality in Israel/Palestine

Organizations working across traditional community lines toward peace and equality in Israel/Palestine
Pablo Picasso Dove of Peace 1949

Compiled by New Mexico Jewish Journal contributors

Sources of information/news/advocacy about Israel/Palestine

  • J Street organizes and mobilizes pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people.
  • New Israel Fund   The New Israel Fund (NIF) helps Israel live up to its founders’ vision of a society that ensures complete equality to all its inhabitants. Our aim is to advance liberal democracy, including freedom of speech and minority rights, and to fight the inequality, injustice and extremism that diminish Israel.
  • A Land for All, a movement of people who know that there is another way: we can live here separately and together in two independent states that share one homeland. Our vision is based on recognising that both people belong to this homeland and the understanding that only partnership and personal and collective equality will bring a safer and better life for all.
  • Standing Together
  • Roots/Shorashim/Judur non-profit based in the West Bank area of Gush Etzion to promote dialog and eventually trust between Israelis and Palestinian as a path to peace
  • Friends of Parents Circle  is a grassroots organization of Palestinian and Israeli families who have lost immediate family members due to the conflict. The PCFF operates under the principle that a process of reconciliation is a prerequisite for achieving a sustained peace.
  • Sikkuy (advancing civil equality) Sikkuy is a shared organization of Jewish and Arab citizens, working to implement full equality on all levels between the Arab Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel.
  • Partners for a Progressive Israel generate and promote partnership between Israelis and Americans who support a progressive Israel. Focus on civil and human rights, peace and coexistence, religious [;oralism and social and economic justice
  • Hand in Hand Center for Jewish Arab Education building inclusion and equality between Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel through a growing network of bilingual, integrated schools and communities; now over 2,000 students enrolled in six Hand in Hand schools from Jerusalem to the Galilee. Goal: to combat the growing social alienation and lack of trust between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel. 
  • Combatants for Peace supports a two-state solution within the 1967 lines, or any other solution reached through mutual agreement which would allow Israelis and Palestinians to lead free, safe and democratic lives from a place of dignity in their homeland.
  • Stand with Us StandWithUs (SWU) is an international and non-partisan Israel education organization that inspires and educates people of all ages and backgrounds, challenges misinformation and fights antisemitism.
  • Shalom Hartman Institute a leading center of Jewish thought and education, serving Israel and North America. Our mission is to strengthen Jewish peoplehood, identity, and pluralism; to enhance the Jewish and democratic character of Israel; and to ensure that Judaism is a compelling force for good in the 21st century.
  • Added suggestions by NMJJ readers:
  • Givat Haviva Mission:"[...] We strive to create a model society in Israel, emphasizing the importance of a Jewish and Arab shared society [....] anchored in principles of mutual respect, trust, pluralism, and intrinsic equality between citizens.... a democratic society for all citizens of Israel, one that strives for peace with its neighbors and for solidarity of all peoples./Our activity focuses on the fields of education, language instruction, culture, and art./The Jewish-Arab partnership within the organization is the foundation of Givat Haviva's unique expertise, and a central value underlying our worldview and practice.

On the Ground Help

World Central Kitchen Food is a universal human right. Delivering food aid to citizens in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt since October 2023; Ukraine region since 2022.

Road to Recovery The road to ""On the Way to Recovery" is an Israeli volunteer association that transports Palestinian patients, mainly children, for life-saving treatments, from the checkpoints in the West Bank and Gaza to the hospitals in Israel and back." Singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen helped establish the organization. Read also this beautifully poetic essay by volunteer Road to Recovery driver and poetry translator Joanna Chen (which was cancelled/removed from Guernica Magazine): The story of its cancellation has been widely reported, including in the NY Times.

Magen David Adom American Friends of Magen David Adom. Emergency aid in Israel.

Sources on Antisemitism


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