THE SANTA FE DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES is a Communty Supporter! ~ JAN. 12th, Campus Speech and Antisemitism, Dean of UC Law School Erwin Chemerinsky ~ Institute for Tolerance Studies

THE SANTA FE DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES is a Communty Supporter!  ~ JAN. 12th,  Campus Speech and Antisemitism,  Dean of UC Law School Erwin Chemerinsky ~ Institute for Tolerance Studies
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January 12th - Campus Speech & Antisemitism - Dean Erwin Chemerinsky

Register for lectures at Distinguished Lectures.

Institute for Tolerance Studies Director Ron Duncan Hart has recently published the book, Evangelicals and MAGA: The Politics of Grievance a Half Century in the Making, available on Amazon. For more information, go to

Be sure to read Ron's essay, "Jews and Christian Nationalism" in our Issue 2 here. There is also a link (at the end of the essay) to his Op-ed published in the Baptist News Global that has a 4 million member circulation.

The Institute for Tolerance Studies includes the Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture SeriesThe Jewish Learning Channel with videos of all past lectures, and the Institute for Tolerance Studies extensive Digital Library of books and history of and about Judaism and other religions.


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The Institute for Tolerance Studies
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Temple Beth Shalom
Congregation B'nai Israel
Shabbat with Friends: Recapturing Together the Joy of Shabbat

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